Have you ever just wished you could take a time out from your life. Just drop everything and take a month off from school, work, bills, drama, just everything. Man, I need that right about now, because honestly college is kicking my butt. I am so surprised to find that I am so un-motivated to actually go to class. I never thought that would be a problem for me but I keep finding more and more that its hard for me to get myself to class, I'm either not feeling well or I just don't want to go.
Another thing that has been stressing me out is work. Don't get me wrong I love my job but sometimes I just wish I could come home from class and just sleep, or lay around and watch tv, but its always right from class to work till 10 everyday. I think about how nice that would be but then I think about all the bills I have to pay and how me "resting" would just make things worse in the end.
Since this post is coming across as me "venting" I might as well talk about what else has been bugging me. Parking! ughhh!! I cant even begin to desribe how frustrated I am with the parking at TC. Even now, 8 weeks into the semester Im still having parking issues. I refuse to come to class 2 hours early just to find a semi-resonably good parking spot. To me thats just crazy, I also can't understand how the school doesn't see the problem and doesnt want to fix it. Because honestly, I makes TC look bad with such crowded lots and messy streets. I hate coming to class everyday because I know I'll have to deal with parking. Hopefully by next year things will improve, but Im not holding my breath.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Jason Aldean Concert Oct 22nd 2009=The best night of my life

I am a HUGE country music fan. Anything country I love, I have been a fan since I was a kid. One of my all time favorite country artists is Jason Aldean. His voice, his looks, his songs, everything about him is amazing. That's why when I found out he was coming to La Crosse for a concert I was more than excited. I got down to the La Crosse Center hours before tickets went on sale and got the G.A Pit tickets because I wanted to be as close as possible. When the day finally came for the concert I was more than ready. My camera was charged and I was ready to go. I got down there 3 hours before the show to secure my place in line to guarantee me a good spot. I was there with my friend Kim and we were both super excited about the show. Once the gates opened we went and bought shirts then walked down to the V.I.P section. The show began with opening groups Love and Theft and Gloriana, which were both very good. Then the lights dimed and it was time for Jason Aldean. My excitement at this time was uncontrollable. I couldn't believe I was front row at a Jason Aldean Concert. I was so close I could touch the stage. The show began and he sounded and looked as amazing as I had expected. He played hit after hit and I didnt want it to end.
It was towards the end of the show and he was singing Summer of 69 by Brian Adams and he came over and stood on the speaker right in front of me, reached down and grabbed my hand. I almost died. I couldn't believe that my favorite country artist was grabbing my hand. That made my night. Anything bad that had been happening didn't even matter. I just stopped worrying about all the bad stuff and got lost in the moment. He stood on the speaker for a bit and shaked the fans hands, I also got to touch his jeans and boots, which I know sounds creepy, but I promise I'm not a stalker just a very big fan. This concert was one of the best shows ive ever been to. Counting the fact that I was basically front row and got to touch Jason Aldean but just the atmosphere was amazing. I will always remember the Jason Aldean concert, it really was the time of my life :).
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The things I watch
When it comes to tv i have a very wide selection id say. I can watch anything from ghost hunter shows to a family show on tlc. But there are definately some shows I love more than others and some which I don't think should be on tv at all.

One of my current favorite shows is paranormal state. I never had been one to be into ghost shows or even believe in ghosts for that matter. But,there was something about this show that drew me in and ive been hooked since the first season. It must be something about how they do it that makes me watch every episode. I would recomend this show to anyone,even if youre not a ghost person,you should really give this show a try. It shows college students who formed the paranormal research society and how they go to different homes across the country that claim to be experiencing paranormal activity. Overall there is nothing I dislike about this showm, it's amazing.

The top 20 countdown is more of an addiction for me, I can never miss an episode. Its a way for me to keep up with my favorite country stars and watch some good videos in the process.

Out of everything I really enjoy watching these days project runway has to be my favorite. I had always liked watching design shows and this one had everything I liked. The challenges, the designers, everything about it keeps me interrested. This season I absolutely love Logan, He by far my favorite designer and definately the cutest of them all. I myself don't have the skill to be on a show like this but its always fun to just pretend,right?!
I am also addicted to HGTV,FOOD NETWORK&TLC. I can't say television is my life because I work 99% of the time, but when I do get the time to relax,watching something entertaining is always nice. I just wish life could be like tv sometimes. They never talk about all the bills they have,or lack of sleep they get or the mountains of homework that never disappear. They always have all the nice things, the money and the boys. I guess thats why its tv,right.
Till next time,take care!

One of my current favorite shows is paranormal state. I never had been one to be into ghost shows or even believe in ghosts for that matter. But,there was something about this show that drew me in and ive been hooked since the first season. It must be something about how they do it that makes me watch every episode. I would recomend this show to anyone,even if youre not a ghost person,you should really give this show a try. It shows college students who formed the paranormal research society and how they go to different homes across the country that claim to be experiencing paranormal activity. Overall there is nothing I dislike about this showm, it's amazing.

The top 20 countdown is more of an addiction for me, I can never miss an episode. Its a way for me to keep up with my favorite country stars and watch some good videos in the process.

Out of everything I really enjoy watching these days project runway has to be my favorite. I had always liked watching design shows and this one had everything I liked. The challenges, the designers, everything about it keeps me interrested. This season I absolutely love Logan, He by far my favorite designer and definately the cutest of them all. I myself don't have the skill to be on a show like this but its always fun to just pretend,right?!
I am also addicted to HGTV,FOOD NETWORK&TLC. I can't say television is my life because I work 99% of the time, but when I do get the time to relax,watching something entertaining is always nice. I just wish life could be like tv sometimes. They never talk about all the bills they have,or lack of sleep they get or the mountains of homework that never disappear. They always have all the nice things, the money and the boys. I guess thats why its tv,right.
Till next time,take care!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
In the News....

I don't know about any of you but I cannot pass up a good tabloid. Whether I'm checking out at the registers or surfing the web if I see something about celebrities and news I automatically click on it.

"Kate Gosselin: Jon Stole $200G"- Titles like that I am automatically sucked in because just like the rest of america I'm additcted to Jon and Kate plus eight, or I guess I should say "was addicted" because now its just Kate plus eight, and thats just not the same.

Another well known tabloid family that I always have to read about "Brad and Angelina." Every news article about them I have to read to see whats new in their lives, sometimes i feel like a loser because its not like I know them but I just cant' help but feel obligated to keep up with their lives.

Now Lindsay on the other hand....this girl is a hott mess. She is just a big joke to everyone these days. What happened to the Lindsay from the parent trap and disney channel. Now days you have the drinking and smoking Lindsay. I personally think its rather sad the way her life has turned out.
Now after talking about my love of celeb gossip I look at my own life and how if someone were to make a tabloid magazine about the things that happen to me. No one would read it because my life is rather uneventful, and would make for some very boring reading material. I guess in that aspect Im glad I'm not famous but I sure wouldn't mind the money these people have.
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