One of my current favorite shows is paranormal state. I never had been one to be into ghost shows or even believe in ghosts for that matter. But,there was something about this show that drew me in and ive been hooked since the first season. It must be something about how they do it that makes me watch every episode. I would recomend this show to anyone,even if youre not a ghost person,you should really give this show a try. It shows college students who formed the paranormal research society and how they go to different homes across the country that claim to be experiencing paranormal activity. Overall there is nothing I dislike about this showm, it's amazing.

The top 20 countdown is more of an addiction for me, I can never miss an episode. Its a way for me to keep up with my favorite country stars and watch some good videos in the process.

Out of everything I really enjoy watching these days project runway has to be my favorite. I had always liked watching design shows and this one had everything I liked. The challenges, the designers, everything about it keeps me interrested. This season I absolutely love Logan, He by far my favorite designer and definately the cutest of them all. I myself don't have the skill to be on a show like this but its always fun to just pretend,right?!
I am also addicted to HGTV,FOOD NETWORK&TLC. I can't say television is my life because I work 99% of the time, but when I do get the time to relax,watching something entertaining is always nice. I just wish life could be like tv sometimes. They never talk about all the bills they have,or lack of sleep they get or the mountains of homework that never disappear. They always have all the nice things, the money and the boys. I guess thats why its tv,right.
Till next time,take care!
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