Thursday, November 19, 2009

end of the semester&black friday

I cant believe it! That my first semester of college is almost done. Its crazy to think that in a few weeks ill be signing up for next semester classes. Im glad that I past the first semester because starting out i was so nervous. I didnt think I would be able to handle college work but its really not that different that high school. Id say the major thing is you really have to pay attention and with high school you can kinda just skate by, not pay attention, here if you do that it wont turn out well. I was surprised as well about how I handled work and school. I knew that would be my biggest challenge going in. I work full time and trying to find the time to do all my homework and still have time to rest was difficult at first. I found a nice comprimise between work and school and was still able to be full time in both.

BLACK FRIDAY! I wanna switch gears from talking about my first semester to talking about the biggest day in retail, black friday! It really the most exciting, busiest, hectic, fun day of the entire year. Waking up at 5am to work is tiring but so fun as well. You get there and see all the people standing in line and it really puts you in the christmas spirit. That may be why i like it so much, because nothing gets better than christmas for me. This will ne my third year working black friday, the first year i cashiered at 5am, last year i worked as the css 2-11 and this year i will be helping bag&sell warranties. Three different years, three different jobs. I love my job and am so happy to have found something I love at such a young age! Black I come!

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