Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It should be illegal for me to drive.

So, I was just going to continue on about my spendid adventures in the land I call Shopko,however the events of the past few days are very fresh and easy for me to vent about. Ok, so for those of you who don't know my past I am a horrible driver. Now thats not just me being dramatic I really do suck at it. I have been driving since i was about 16 and since that point I have now raised my total number of car accidents to 5. If i were to do the math that would be 0.6 accidents per year since i have began my driving career. Now, the people I have talked to about my accidents are stunned as to one, how I got my license in the first place, and two how I still manage to have it with all those accidents. I myself am surprised as well that I still have my car in one piece with little damage to it. Before I go on a rant to far I want to talk about my latest accident. First thing I want to say before i start my story is to note that WTC parking is horrible. After saying that I will begin my story. I had gotten out early of my selling principles class and was headed to the parking lot to go home. As I was driving through the alley I thought to myself "its really hard to see if cars are coming I hope I hope I don't crash." No sooner had I finished thinking that BAM. I was exiting the alley and a car came down the road and we collided. I have to note my car received very little damage as did his due to the fact we were both driving relatively slow. The reality was still there that I had indeed had yet another accident. We both proceed to pull into a side parking lot and examine the damage. Seeing there was not a lot done and with no tickets issued we both left. To the average person this day would be considered bad, but wait it gets worse for me.

After going home and telling my mother that I had done it again, I got ready and went to work. It was a regular night untill about 9:30. My supervisor comes in from getting the shopping carts and says "Sam,which side of your car did you hit?" I repsond "The left side,why?" She then goes on to tell my left tire is completely flat. First thought I had was "I have no idea how to change a tire." So, I get on the phone and call my father. After getting chewed out by him for crashing again, he came and helped my switch my tire. Through all these events of this day I learned severeal things. One, I suck at driving and I should find other modes of trasportation. And Two, I learned that there are several different kinds of screw drivers, where as I thought a scew driver was a screw driver. All in all my day was horrible and I hope that my bad luck is running out soon because this is getting really old.


  1. At least your stories make me feel better about myself. I just got in an accident in the beginning of the school year. I got a $101 dollar ticket for rear ending someone. But the traffic was bad and the breaks in my car don't work the best. At east there wasn't any damage to either car.

  2. (I thought I had already posted a comment but it's not showing up? Weird.)

    I hate it when you can't see the oncoming cars, that happens a lot in LaCrosse. I never know whether to just go or to just wait until I don't know when, ha. I've only been in one accident though and I wouldn't really call it an accident. It even happened with my Managerial Accounting teacher, ha.. oops.

    Have a nice day! :)

  3. yes, i tend to crash alot....opps
